Monday, March 4, 2019


 It’s always terrific to visit the McNay Print Fair and this year it was all just lovely. The Museum planned it perfectly with a nice drizzle on Saturday and cool temperatures on Sunday, so attendance was great. Today, Monday, it’s colder in San Antonio than in New York City where there was a snow storm – how does that work?

There was strong interest in modernist pieces by Peter Grippe, Fannie Hillsmith, and Hugh Mesibov, and figurative work of the New Deal Era as well.

In the museum there were terrific exhibitions including American Dreams: Classic Cars and Postwar Paintings, on view through May 19. The Tucker Torpedo, 1948, is pictured here to the right of Theodore Stamos’s Brown-Gray, a painting of 1959. This particular car is the very last of the fifty Torpedos ever made. The company failed after ‘The Big Three’ conspired to put it out of business.

Also on view is curator Lyle Williams’ Van Gogh to Munch: Seduction and Anxiety, through May 5. Go for a stunning print show but pay special attention to the Rodolph Bresdin, Good Samaritan, 1861 and the four Paul Gauguins on view.

As always, many thanks to Lyle for sticking with the collectors and the dealers all the way though the weekend.

McNay, McNayArtMuseum, SanAntonio, AmericanDreams, ClassicCars, PostwarPainting, NewDeal PostwarPaintings, TuckerCar, TuckerTorpedo, PrintFair, CollectPrints, IFPDA

#McNay #McNayArtMuseum #SanAntonio #AmericanDreams #ClassicCars #PostwarPainting #NewDeal #PostwarPaintings #TuckerCar #TuckerTorpedo #PrintFair #CollectPrints #IFPDA