Friday, December 29, 2017



December 29, 2017, would have been Hugh Mesibov’s 101st birthday.


Hugh Mesibov, Three Mechanical Figures, 1944


His work is currently on view at the Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, in Serigraphy: The Rise of Screenprinting in America. In 2008 and 09 work by Mesibov was included in the landmark exhibition, The American Scene, at the British Museum. In 2012 it was shown in America @ Work, at the Lyman Allyn Art Museum, Connecticut College, New London, and in 2015, in WPA*Jobs, at the Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk, Connecticut. The one-artist exhibition, Hugh Mesibov, The Wartime Shipyard, Surrealist Works of 1942/45, Paintings and Drawings, was at the Susan Teller Gallery in 2010.

Recently the family released several unique pieces from the 1930s and 40s as well as a few extremely scarce prints from that period. Many have been added to the Gallery’s website. This is a link to the artist’s page:



hughmesibov, mesibov


Saturday, December 23, 2017


This is Katharine McCollum Gallagher's drawing, The Dolls' New Home, from 1929. She was the wife of the WPA artist Michael J. Gallagher and she was also the Puppet Master of the City of Philadelphia. 
gallagher, philadelphia, puppet, doll, WPA, home

Saturday, December 16, 2017


Pulp Party at INK Miami
It was wonderful to be at INK Miami at the Dorchester on Collins Avenue, Miami Beach! And with the glaring exception of rain-by-the-bucket on Saturday morning, we had one beautiful Florida day after another.

In our favorite Room 156 we arranged several concentrated overviews. These small exhibitions began with American Mural Studies by MORDI GASSNER, AXEL HORN, DOROTHY BROWDY KUSHNER, BEN SHAHN, and with an enormous proposal for the St. Louis Post Office, The Miner’s Life by HUGH MESIBOV.

Work by MESIBOV will also figured in an installation of paintings, drawings, and prints, all relating to The Wartime Shipyard project. This body of surrealist material was produced from 1942 to 1945 while MESIBOV was employed at Cramp & Sons Shipyard in Philadelphia. Dating to 1830 Cramp’s was shut down after World War One but re-activated to build ships for the Second World War. It closed again in 1945.
American Mural Studies at INK Miami
A group of etchings and lithographs by ISABEL BISHOP, BERNARDA BRYSON SHAHN, REGINALD MARSH, LYND WARD, related to New York City’s Union Square; American Master Prints and Drawings featured work by PEGGY BACON, WILL BARNET, WILLIAM BAZIOTES, ANNE RYAN, LOUIS SCHANKER and KARL SCHRAG; and there was an Atelier 17 group with, of course, STANLEY WILLIAM HAYTER, as well as SUE FULLER, FANNIE HILLSMITH, and KETT.

It’s great to go and it’s great to come home. Everything is now safely back at our Mana Jersey City digs.

InkMiami, collectprints, Inkmiamartfair

Monday, November 20, 2017

The Calligraphy of ANNA PINTO


30 Years of Snow: The Calligraphy of Anna Pinto is on view in the Upper Gallery of the Hoboken Historical Museum, 1301 Hudson Street, through December 31, 2017. The exhibition features holiday cards made by Pinto for family and close friends. They are mostly three-part creations: often a calligraphic interpretation of the word ‘snow’ (or a stencil or another mysterious method), an image evoking snow (sometimes combined with the word itself), and a few lines of text, often a haiku or poetry. The authors include Thoreau, Maya Angelou, and Wendy Wasserstein, and stretch back to the eighteenth century. The images are equally wide ranging and this year for the first time there is a photograph by the artist herself.

Anna Pinto

Amazingly labor intensive, these cards were produced in good years and troubled years such as 2012 after Hurricane Sandy strongly impacted Pinto, her family, and her neighbors.

Shown at the Museum in chronological order, the cards are accompanied by preparatory materials. There is the stencil used to make the word ‘snow’ and calligraphy that was later reproduced, as well as notes that explain the processes used in making the final versions. In one of my favorites the letters of ‘snow’ were written in small dashes that look a little like the holes on early computer punch cards – the artistic masquerading as the mechanical.

The show is mounted in vitrines that allow the viewer to stand within inches of the fine detail work. It’s an amazingly attractive and user-friendly installation and fits the space beautifully.

30 Years of Snow: The Calligraphy of Anna Pinto

On view on the first floor is World War I Centennial, 1917-2017, Heaven, Hell or Hoboken. The city was a ‘main point of embarkation’ for the US Expeditionary Forces headed for Europe. The exhibition explores the changes that the military brought as well as the experiences of one soldier, Hoboken-native Private First Class Peter G. Spinetto. His letters home, his uniform, and even his gas mask, are on view.

The gas mask with its case and a photograph of Private Spinetto.

There is also a wire chair with a piece of stone from the bridge that crossed the River Marne at Chateau Thierry. That bridge was destroyed on June 1, 1918, to prevent the German Army from crossing it. It was the beginning of the American forces taking an active part in the war and is considered a major turning point as the French and Americans held off the German advance less than fifty miles from Paris.

Chair with stone from the bridge over the River Marne at Chateau Thierry, France.

The Museum itself is housed in the Bethlehem Steel machine shop building. The oldest section dates to 1890 and was constructed by the W & A Fletcher Company. It was enlarged in 1906 and again in 1944 and was in use until 1984. This is, well was, ‘On the Waterfront’ country. Hoboken is thriving and fashionable and charming. Shouldn’t need to add, but I will, that the Frank Sinatra tribute lives on at the Museum.

Link to Pinto’s page at the Gallery site:

#annapinto #30yearsofsnow #snow #hoboken #hobokenhistoricalmuseum #worldwar1 #ExpeditionaryForce #Spinetto #marne #ChateauThierry #bethlehemsteel #onthewaterfront #sinatra

annapinto, 30yearsofsnow, snow, Hoboken, hobokenhistoricalmuseum, worldwar1, ExpeditionaryForce, Spinetto, marne, ChateauThierry, bethlehemsteel, onthewaterfront, Sinatra,

Saturday, November 18, 2017

More on the New York Print Fair

This is a shot made at the Print Fair on October 26, 2017,  shortly after I presented the IFPDA Book Award to Antony Griffiths for The Print Before Photography, his groundbreaking tome that has hit the town by storm. He probably doesn’t remember this, but I was also the presenter of his IFPDA Achievement Award in, I think, 2007. 

At the NY Print Fair, Stephen Coppel, ST, Antony Griffiths, Hugo Chapman. Photo by Sari Goodfriend.

Those are Keepers of the British Museum with me: From left to right is Stephen Coppel, Assistant Keeper Modern Prints and Drawings After 1880, ST, Antony Griffths, former Keeper of Prints and Drawings, and Hugo Chapman, Keeper of Prints and Drawings. Coppel is the curator of the hugely successful 2008 “American Scene” show that featured JOSEF ALBERS, PEGGY BACON, DOROTHY DEHNER, HUGO GELLERT, BLANCHE GRAMBS, STANLEY WILLIAM HAYTER, RIVA HELFOND, CHARLES KELLER, FRANZ KLINE, LOUIS LOZOWICK, CLAIRE MAHL MOORE, ANNE RYAN, HARRY STERNBERG, GRACE MARTIN TAYLOR, and of course HUGH MESIBOV. At the time Hugh, one of only very few living artists in the show, did get to visit to see his color carborundum, Europa, on view.


Saturday, November 11, 2017

ALLENTOWN ART MUSEUM, November 11, 2017

Thought that this Harry Sternberg lithograph from 1937, Open Hearth, would be perfect to take to the Allentown Art Museum’s Cocktails & Collecting fundraiser today and there it is on the wall right across from our booth!  Thank you.

The event opens this evening at 5PM and goes to 9PM. Ticket price is based on entrance time.

Harry Sternberg, Open Hearth, 1937, lithograph 


Allentown, AllentownArtMuseum, HarrySternberg, fundraiser, cocktails&collecting

Monday, October 30, 2017


The New York Print Fair was held at the River Pavilion Room of the Javits Center for the first time this year. It was a beautiful setting – open, spacious, and bright.

Susan Teller Gallery, Booth 508, NY Print Fair, 2017

We featured prints and drawings by American Masters Peggy Bacon, Will Barnet, William Baziotes, Edmond Casarella, Howard Daum, Michael J. Gallagher, Peter Grippe, Dorothy Browdy Kushner, Angelo Pinto, Anne Ryan, Louis Schanker, Karl Schrag, and Ansei Uchima.

An entire wall was dedicated to the work of Hugh Mesibov (1916-12016) who died last year. The Estate released extremely scarce WPA-era drypoints and carborundums, works from the Wartime Shipyard series of the 1940s, and modernist serigraphs from the 1950s.

Another wall was devoted to New York's Union Square, with etchings and lithographs by Clifford Addams, Isabel Bishop, Bernard Bryson Shahn, Reginald Marsh, Betty Waldo Parish, Saul Raskin, and Lynd Ward.

IFPDAprintfair, collectprints, printfair, Javitscenter, PeggyBacon, WillBarnet, WilliamBaziotes, EdmondCasarella, HowardDaum, PeterGrippe, AngeloPinto, AnneRyan, LouisSchanker, KarlSchrag, AnseiUchima, HughMesibov, UnionSquare, CliffordAddams, IsabelBishop, BernardBrysonShahn, ReginaldMarsh, BettyWaldoParish, SaulRaskin, LyndWard

Sunday, October 22, 2017



New York Print Fair is at the Javits Center this year. We're in Booth 508, River Pavilion, 11th Avenue at 35th Street.
Thursday, October 26      Noon to 8 PM
Friday, October 27          Noon to 8 PM
Saturday, October 28      Noon to 8 PM   
Sunday, October 29        Noon to 6 PM

We will feature prints and drawings by American Masters Peggy Bacon, Will Barnet, William Baziotes, Edmond Casarella, Howard Daum, Michael J. Gallagher, Peter Grippe, Dorothy Browdy Kushner, Angelo Pinto, Anne Ryan, Louis Schanker, Karl Schrag, and Ansei Uchima.

An entire wall will be dedicated to the work of Hugh Mesibov who died last year. The Estate has released extremely scarce WPA-era drypoints and carborundums, works from the Wartime Shipyard series of the 1940s, and modernist serigraphs from the 1950s.

Reginald Marsh, Union Square, 1933

Another wall be devoted to New York's Union Square, with etchings and lithographs by Clifford Addams, Isabel Bishop, Bernard Bryson Shahn, Reginald Marsh, Betty Waldo Parish, Saul Raskin, and Lynd Ward.

We still have a few Day Passes so if you would like to attend contact us.





Tuesday, September 12, 2017

BEN SHAHN born on September 12, 1898.

On this day in 1898 BEN SHAHN was born. Below is a mural study, Head of a Welder, 1940.

Ben Shahn, Head of a Welder, 1940

BenShahn, Shahn

Monday, September 4, 2017

Labor Day, 2017

Riva Helfond, Curtain Factory, 1937

In the 1930s Riva Helfond had a studio in New York’s Garment District.

From her window she could look across the street and see women working in a sweatshop with lots of billowing white and pastel-colored fabrics. It piqued her curiosity because she couldn’t figure out what they were making. Her first thought was formal wear or wedding and bridesmaids dresses but the material seemed wrong for the styles of the day.

Finally, one day Helfond crossed the street and walked up the stairs to find a curtain factory. In one form or another seamstresses appeared in her work over the next two decades.

Recent Virtual Exhibitions:

Art About the Arts

Artists of Cape Cod

#laborday #labor #rivahelfond #helfond #factory #sweatshop #ragtrade #garmentdistrict

laborday, labor, rivahelfond, helfond, factory, sweatshop, ragtrade, garmentdistrict

Saturday, August 12, 2017

LAST TWO DAYS: Making Space

Works by DOROTHY DEHNER and ANNE RYAN are in Making Space: Women Artists and Post-War Abstraction at the Museum of Modern Art, NY. The exhibition ends tomorrow, Sunday, August 13, 2017. The paintings, prints, sculpture, ceramics, and drawings, date from the end of the Second World War, 1945, to the beginning of the Feminist Movement, 1968.
A work at the Gallery: Anne Ryan, Collage, 1951
A label for the show notes “Abstraction dominated artistic practice during these years, as many artists working in the aftermath of World War II sought an international language that might transcend national and regional narratives – and for women artists, additionally, those relating to gender.” One might add that the figure had become too banal to paint.

The nearly 100 works in many mediums by more than 50 artists (including women from Europe, the Americas, and Japan), form an ethereal and mesmerizing exhibition. Of course we were especially pleased to see both Dorothy Dehner and Anne Ryan included and then so intrigued to find them nearly side-by-side. Dehner is represented by a single piece of six bronze parts, Enounter, 1969; Ryan by four collages.

Link to our Dorothy Dehner page:

Linke to our Anne Ryan page:

DorothyDehner, Dehner, Anneryan, MakingSpace, Museumofmodernart,

#DorothyDehner #Dehner #Anneryan #MakingSpace #Museumofmodernart

Saturday, July 29, 2017

National Dance Day

Saturday, July 29

National Dance Day

Hugh Mesibov, Dancers, 1938

Hugh Mesibov’s lithograph Dancers, 1938, was made at the WPA Printmaking Shop in Philadelphia. It was agreed that he could make a print using several colors, but had to let a colleague make a black and white lithograph in between. Consequently it took several months to complete the image and when it was done ‘they’ (Michael J. Gallagher?) decided against publishing it.

Peggy Bacon, Promenade, 1935

Peggy Bacon would certainly been among the first to celebrate National Dance Day (established in 2010). This Woodstock, square dancing scene from about 1935 is a drawing destined for the Art About the Arts page but a quirk kept it from showing up. I’m not giving up, but today is a perfect chance to show it off.

Sunday, July 16, 2017


Right now The Metropolitan Museum of Art has a fascinating group of arachnidan images up in their Drawings and Prints Gallery, just to the left of the top of the Grand Staircase. We are suggesting yet another on this rarified theme: The Spider, Anne Ryan, 1944, intaglio, 9 x 7 inches.

Anne Ryan, The Spider, 1944

anneryan, spider, aracnid, metropolitanmuseum

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happpy Fourth of July!

Christina Blatt, Marco Sees the Statue of Liberty, 2009


This gouache drawing is from Christina Blatt’s book Marco Comes to New York.

ChristinaBlatt, StatueofLiberty, LadyLiberty, FourthofJuly, 4thofjuly, 

Friday, June 30, 2017

ANNA PINTO at the Grolier Club

A piece by ANNA PINTO is featured in The Calligraphy Revival, 1906-2016, at The Grolier Club, 47 East 60th Street, New York City, on view May 17 through July 29, 2017.

Anna Pinto at The Calligraphy Revival show. Her piece is just to her left.

Pulling primarily from his own collection, the calligrapher and curator Jerry Kelly dated the exhibition to the publication of Edward Johnston’s manual, Writing & Illuminating, & Lettering, in 1906. Covering more than a century with only one work for each scribe Kelley was able to include pieces by Rudolf Koch from 1912, Johnston from 1916, an Eric Gill from 1923, and the Pinto from 2016.

Anna Pinto, An Alphabet, 1994

Most works are in Latin script and often honor the concept of the alphabet -- that Kelly recognizes as ‘One of the major accomplishments of mankind.' Usually on paper, there are also examples of Hebrew, Arabic, Japanese, and Tibetan, and carvings on wood, glass, and slate, as well as serigraphs, collages, and a stunning wood engraving by Leo Wyatt. If the Wyatt is an exercise in planning and control, Georgia Deaver’s lyric double study is a riot of color and gesture with brushstrokes that demand equally careful examination.

Anna Pinto, Collette IV 2012
Although most pieces are British or American, also included are works from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, and Italy. Kelly’s labels help connect teacher to student and sometimes recall ancient Rome and royal families. His own contribution is a wonder.

The Grolier Club is always worth visiting and this is the perfect summer show, for them and for us.

Link to Anna Pinto page on Gallery site:

Link to Grolier Club:

GrolierClub, Calligraphy, CalligraphyRevival, AnnaPinto, EdwardJohnston, EricGill, JerryKelly, GeorgiaDeaver, LeoWyatt

#GrolierClub #Calligraphy #CalligraphyRevival #AnnaPinto #EdwardJohnston #EricGill #JerryKelly #GeorgiaDeaver #LeoWyatt